
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet atualizado para a versão 1.3.1

My Nintendo News
My Nintendo News
Unfortunately, even though Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been available for a while now, the new generation of Pokemon games is still dealing with bug issues. It hasn’t helped that a recent Tera Raid event had crash issues, which has only made the game’s glitches performance issues all the more concerning.
That said, a new update for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has been released tonight, which puts the games at version 1.3.1. Surprisingly, there aren’t any patch notes available for the update yet. The only thing known about the update in general is that it does include some bug fixes and changes. As for anything specific, all that is known is a bug fix where players in an invite-only competition can now see their rating and leave the tournament between battles.
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