
Rumor: Next Level Games aparentemente desenvolvendo F-Zero GX Remaster

My Nintendo News
My Nintendo News
A new rumour is currently doing the rounds this evening and it involves the beloved F-Zero franchise which many believed had been shelved, since it has been plenty of years since we have gotten a new entry. Next Level Games, the talented team behind Luigi’s Mansion 2 and Luigi’s Mansion 3, is apparently working hard on a remaster of the classic GameCube F-Zero entry for the Nintendo Switch family of systems, F-Zero GX. It has been a while since an F-Zero-based rumour has done the rounds online, though back in December 2022, leaker NateTheHate proclaimed that “F-Zero’s time will come in 2023.” As always, we will have to wait and see what actually transpires.
Doubtful but IF this rumor is true then I’m throwing my money at them. Remember, plans change.
Better like nothing. I play many superspeed futuristic racing games and mine dream is wipeout fzero combination from one good nintendo studio 🙂
why would Nintendo invest in a franchise that is dead for 15 years? this seen too farfected to be true
I mean, have you ever heard of a little game called Kid Icarus Uprising?
That franchise had been dead for 21 years, but they chose to bring it back. And before Uprising came out I doubt it had anything close to the fanbase F-Zero did.
Not saying this is happening for certain or anything, but it’s silly to completely dismiss it when Nintendo have done much stranger things in the past. And a remake/remaster is a perfect way to gauge interest for the franchise.
Same reason why Kid Icarus was revived after 21 years.
+Giancarlo Thomaz Senoni
This entire argument is silly. If Nintendo really wanted to, they could advertise the hell out a new F-Zero game though standard adverts, YouTube Partnerships, exposure through other IP’s (Like what Fire Emblem did with Smash Bros), and probably a bunch of other ways.
Not to mention, as others have pointed out, Kid Icarus Uprising was made despite that series being dead for a really long time.
If Nintendo really wants a franchise to make a return, they 100% have the means to make it happen.
I really hope this is true, GX is awesome as it is on the GameCube, but polish up the graphics, make sure the frame rates good, few new tracks, online mode. Bingo! You’ve got a quality game that’ll hopefully draw some interest and convince Nintendo to make a new entry.
Yeah I doubt it. Soon that rumor will be debunked and we will continue to complain about not having a new entry to the series all over again. Let’s see how this rumor last.
Don’t give me hope.
Just give me a new one.
Next level isn’t the studio I would have imagined shooting their shot with f-zero, but if this rumor is true then I will definitely be rooting for it for the sake of f-zero fans everywhere.
After almost 20 years of a drought, they deserve a win
It’s just a remaster, not a remake. Like the Metroid Prime Remastered last month. We’d likely just be seeing a revamp in the visuals and sound departments; almost nothing gameplay-wise would be changing.
After their work on Luigi’s Mansion 3, can you imagine how amazing NLG could make an F-Zero GX remaster look?
I don’t want a GX remaster. I want a new entry with a mix of new and old tracks and online multiplayer.
Besides, X is the better one. I’d prefer to see that remastered.
Honestly, I want this to be true purely on the basis that Next Level Games is making it. The work they did on Luigi’s Mansion 3 was incredible and even though the content was lacking, Mario Strikers Battle League did still play well and was fun.
If this is real it could simply be Nintendo’s way of seeing if anyone still wants new F-Zero games. I’d probably buy it having never played an F-Zero.
If they’ll re-release F-Zero AX at the same time, RIP my wallet. I have the time and money to travel much further to find a proper arcade than I did 20 years ago.
At this point I’ll take a remaster, no matter who does it. I would hope that if it does well enough, Nintendo will see the merit in not letting the series languish in neglect for two decades again.
Awesome. Sad to see SEGA not doing this remastered though but then again Mr. Nogoshi left the scene. Maybe some SEGA reps are supervising.
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