My Nintendo News
My Nintendo News
The highly anticipated Hollow Knight Silksong is due to release this year and the last we saw of it was at the Xbox showcase last June as the game is coming to the company’s Game Pass subscription service day one. While fans are super eager to see more of the dark 2D platformer, a playtester for Silksong jumped on the Hollow Knight-themed Discord channel to let fans know that the game is going to be well worth the wait, which is encouraging news indeed. Though we wouldn’t expect any less, as the original Hollow Knight game, which is available on the Nintendo eShop, was brilliant.
“I feel for you all, I really want this game to release asap and we testers are working hard to get it out to you, as well as TC of course. It will come and it is a glorious game worth the wait. Love you all”
Oo, the new Hollow Knight is coming! I can’t wait to die a whole bunch of times, rage quit, and then come back 20 minutes later for “one last try”.
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Um testador de Hollow Knight Silksong diz que é um 'jogo glorioso que vale a pena esperar'